Bonneville Shoreline Trail – Christmas Tree Hike

Distance: 2 mi | Location: Ogden | Best Seasons: December | Elevation Gain: 407 ft | Route Type: Out and Back |Bathrooms @ Trailhead: No

Today I am excited to share with you another holiday themed hike! These are my all time favorites! I love pairing a fun holiday like Christmas with an outdoor adventure like hiking. It is such a unique way to celebrate the season.

Now for some of you, the idea of hiking in the winter might sound daunting; but please don’t let the cold weather deter you. Hiking is a wonderful way to enjoy winter. Below I will talk about some tips to make it not only doable but enjoyable!

winter hiking

Plus nothing is better than coming home from a frosty winter hike and changing into some cozy pjs to enjoy a Christmas movie!

Bonneville Shoreline - Christmas Tree Hike

Getting There

Hiking in Ogden Utah

The Christmas tree can be reached from the 27th Street Trailhead or the 29th Street Trailhead in Ogden, Utah. The distance from 27th Street Trailhead is shorter (about 1.5 miles round trip), but there isn’t a parking lot at the trailhead. It is about half a mile farther to the tree from the 29th Street Trailhead but it has a nice big parking lot. Below are directions on how to reach the tree from the 29th Street Trailhead. Next year I will add directions from the 27th Street Trailhead so you have that option too!

If you have Google Maps you can type in “29th Street Trailhead” for the most direct route from your location. If you are familiar with the Ogden area you might be tempted to take Harrison Blvd and cut up 29th Street. The only problem is that 29th Street doesn’t connect to Harrison Blvd because of Ogden High School. So it’s best to take Harrison Blvd to 30th Street and then head east. 30th Street will dead-end into Polk Avenue. Turn left and head north on Polk Avenue until you reach 29th Street. Head east on 29th Street until it dead ends and the entrance to the parking lot will be on your right.

Trail Conditions

Bonneville Shoreline Trail

The trail conditions may vary depending on the snow year we are having. If there is snow on the trail please be aware of the following:

The trail is a single track most of the way, which means there isn’t much space to step off the trail when passing fellow hikers. If you have to step off the trail make sure you step off on the uphill side.

Since this trail is on the bench the snow will warm up and melt during the day and then freeze into ice overnight. Be prepared for icy conditions with sturdy hiking boots (or crampons) and hiking poles. If you are worried about the ice then try hiking this in the afternoon when the snow is more likely to be soft. You’ll just want to start the hike at least 3 hours before sunset to make sure you have enough daylight.

With the snow it can be difficult to see rocks and roots on the trail. As I like to say “if you are a walkin, don’t be a gawkin”. It is easy to trip over the rocks and roots if you aren’t paying attention.

Trail Highlights

The tree can be a little tricky to find if you don’t know where you are going. Below I have outlined step-by-step how to get to there from the 29th Street Trailhead.

From the trailhead you will want to take the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. It is the trail heading east up the mountain (on the left).

After about a quarter of a mile you will see an opening in the trees on your left. You will want to turn there.

Christmas Tree Hike

Follow this trail until you come to a trail marker. Turn left to follow the Bonneville Shoreline Trail heading north.

Directions for Ogden Christmas Tree Hike

Follow the Bonneville Shoreline Trail until you come to a slight fork. You will want to take the trail on the right.

Ogden Utah

Follow this trail. You will go through two, four way divides in the trail, continue straight on each one.

Christmas hikes
Things to do in Ogden for Christmas

When you come to the next trail marker, you want to follow the trail for Taylor Canyon (on the right).

Christmas Tree Hike Trail

You will come to another trail marker. Take a sharp right.

How to get to Christmas Tree in Ogden

This is the portion of the trail that is most exposed. Beware of icy conditions! Follow this trail until you come to the Christmas tree!!

icy portion of trail
Christmas Tree

Some Things to be Aware of

If you haven’t hiked much in the winter here are some tips to make your outing more enjoyable!

Man and child hiking


Before heading out make sure that everyone has a high calorie snack. This will not only give you energy to hike but help your body keep you warm. My favorite high calorie snack are Larabars because they are easy to eat in the car.

You will also want to pack some high calorie snacks, water and maybe a thermos full of hot cocoa to enjoy at the tree!


This trail is highly trafficked which means unless it has literally just snowed you don’t need snowshoes to do this hike. Hiking boots will work just fine!


Be sure to dress you and your kids in layers and bring a backpack. As you hike up to the tree you may get warm and need to shed some layers. Use your backpack to carry discarded coats and hats so you have them for the hike down.

Not sure how to layer your kids for winter play check out my post Best Winter Gear for Kids. Just keep in mind that you will be hiking uphill so depending on the temperature you may not need all three layers that I outline in that post.

Little Hikers

If you take your toddlers be prepared to carry them for part or all of the trail. It is tiring walking through the snow so take frequent breaks and make sure you have plenty of time to do the hike!


If you have older kids or are looking for a neat date night idea you can hike up to the tree at night. There are lights on the tree that are battery-operated, solar-powered, or have a USB charging cord. You can turn them on and enjoy a hot cup of cocoa and look out at the city lights! You will just need to make sure to bring a USB charger, some extra batteries (just in case) and don’t forget to turn them off when you leave!

Merry Christmas friends! I sure hope you enjoy the hike!

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