19 Affordable Outdoor Winter Adventures for Kids

Oh February!

Winter and I have a love-hate relationship. I love freshly fallen snow. I love seeing sunsets on snow covered mountains. And I love getting cozy after a long day of skiing. But I also hate how short and dark the days are. I hate driving in bad weather. And I hate feeling cold.

Because of this I generally waffle between two inclinations during the winter months. The first is feeling super excited about the snow and wanting to spend all my time playing in it. And the second is wanting to sleep 16 hours a day and spend the rest of my waking hours eating cookie dough while sitting on the heater vent. While some days it’s a battle to see which inclination will win, I have found that no matter how strongly the heater vent is calling, I feel better when I get outside.

Now February is a whole other story. It is during this seemingly “shortest month” of the year that my resolve starts to wane. Sometime around President’s Day I start to lose hope that spring will ever come. That is why today I am sharing some awesome outdoor adventures. Adventuring is not just for the summer months. So dust off your motivation and let’s stick it to February by basking in all its wintery glory.

Affordable Outdoor Winter Adventures

Having grown up in Utah I am a firm believer that there is no point in it being cold if there isn’t snow. Winter is just better when the ground is covered in white fluffy stuff. As you read through the list below you will notice that some of the adventures require snow as the main ingredient. But don’t fret. If you live someplace that doesn’t have snow there are plenty of adventures on the list for you too!

Personally, I am a “let’s go do something” kind of girl. If that isn’t your style, at the bottom of the post I have listed some awesome nature crafts that you can do from the comfort of your very own backyard! And if you aren’t sure how to dress your kids for cold weather play check out my post Best Winter Gear for Kids.

#1: Snowball Fight

woman holding snowball

If you are like me and don’t particularly enjoy being hit in the face with a big ball of snow, here are some fun modifications to the traditional snowball fight:

  • Target Practice (you can even add food coloring to the snowballs to keep track of each person’s attempt at the target)
  • Play Tag (the person who is “it” would use snowballs to tag people)
  • Play Dodge Ball
  • Or skip the fight and make your snowballs into fruit slushies

#2:Build a Snowman

couple building snowman

While building a snowman is a very traditional winter activity you can spice it up by playing Pin the Nose on Olaf. Build a snowman, blindfold one of your builders, spin them around and see who can get the carrot nose closes to the right spot. You can also do this with coal buttons, sticks for arms, etc.

#3:Build a Snow Cave

Oddly enough children find nothing more engrossing than hard labor. I remember one particularly heavy winter, my brother and his friend spending days building an intricate system of tunnels in the snow. So why not get the shovels out and burn off some of that cookie dough by building a snow cave? If you want to be super hardcore you could even try sleeping in it. Not sure how to build one? Check out this simple how-to for more instructions.

#4: Shovel Snow

couple shoveling snow

Speaking of child labor, your kids might even enjoy trying to shovel the snow (especially if they are in the “I want to do it myself” stage). Why not enjoy the fresh cool air while you let them shovel the driveway.

#5: Snow Sculptures

Have you ever been to a sandcastle competition?! You can do the same thing with snow. So break out the beach toys and let your kids have at it. Need some inspiration? Check out this site for some awesome snow sculpture ideas!

#6: Snowshoeing/Hiking

Hiker in winter

If you are a fan of hiking, then you definitely need to try snowshoeing. For cheap snowshoe rentals contact your local college, sporting goods store, or REI. If you are looking for a free option then keep the following in mind: if it hasn’t just snowed you can hike a high traffic trail in just your snow boots, no snowshoes required. Just watch out for ice. Exposed trails will often soften during the day and then freeze overnight.

#7: Sledding

child sledding

Sledding is cheap (free if you already own a sled) and great at exhausting high energy kids. The best of both worlds!

#8: Park

Going to the park is the ultimate affordable winter adventure. It’s free, not crowded and it is always open (well except for maybe COVID). This is a great outdoor adventure whether there is snow or no snow. Just remember to bring knit gloves because holding onto metal chains or climbing playground equipment in the winter can make for cold hands.

#9: Zoo


Going to the zoo is another awesome winter adventure. Most zoos will have discount pricing or have a free admission day during the winter months. Some other reasons to consider going in the winter (vs. the summer) is you don’t have to worry about crowds, sweltering heat, and the animals are more active. We went to the zoo last winter and it was so fun! Two of the male lions had a roaring competition. It was seriously one of the coolest things I have ever seen.

#10: Picnic

Having a picnic in the middle of winter might sound miserable to you, but give it a try before you write it off. If you are worried about your butt getting wet try using a tarp to sit on, instead of a blanket. You can also make it more enjoyable by bringing blankets to wrap up in, a thermos full of hot cocoa, and a warm meal. It’s such a great way to enjoy being outside in the winter.

#11: Campfire


While many of us think of building a campfire as a summer activity, it is actually perfect for winter. It’s cold so you enjoy the warmth of the fire and it gets dark earlier so you don’t have to worry about keeping your kids up late. You can make the experience even more memorable by making some tasty treats like cinnamon rolls, popcorn, or nachos.

#12: Stargazing

winter night sky

Stargazing is another one of those activities that we associate with summer. But did you know that stargazing is actually better in the winter? The reason is that cold air holds less hazy moisture from the warm days. That means clearer nights. And with the nights being longer in the winter it can be a fun adventure to do before your kids’ 8 pm bedtime.

#13: Skiing/Snowboarding

boy skiing

I understand if you just scoffed at the idea of skiing and snowboarding being affordable. But there are actually a ton of ways to get your family on the slopes for cheap:

  • Go to a resort with a kid friendly pass policy. In Utah most major ski resorts offer free day passes for kids with the purchase of an adult day pass. For example at Nordic Valley and Brighton kids 10 and younger ski for free.
  • If the resort you are going to doesn’t offer free kid passes, see if they offer a pass for just the kiddie hill. For example, at Beaver Mountain, you can purchase a pass to the kiddie hill for $30 (the purchase of an adult day pass is not required).
  • Try night skiing. A lot of resorts have discounted rates for night skiing and if you go after Daylight Savings ends there is quite a bit of daylight. If the idea of skiing at night doesn’t sound appealing (and you live in Utah) check out the Sunnyside at 3 Program at Alta. You can purchase a season pass for $59 which gives you access to their two beginner lifts from 3-4:30 pm. Just be aware that snowboarders aren’t allowed at Alta.
  • Check to see if your state has a discounted ski program for kids. For example, Utah has the 5th and 6th Grade Passport Program. This gives 5th graders three free day passes to each of Utah’s 15 resorts and 6th graders one free day pass to each of Utah’s 15 resorts. The awesome news is this is open to ALL VISITORS, not just Utah residents!

#14: Ice Skating

ice stakes hanging on red wall

Another fun way to get outside is to go to an outdoor ice skating rink. Ice skating is a fun family adventure and it is an awesome way for your kids to work on their posture, balance, and coordination. If you are located in Utah check out this website for a list of outdoor ice skating rinks. If there isn’t an outdoor ice skating rink in your area, you can try building one of your own.

#15: Ice fishing

I personally have never been ice fishing but for all you fishing enthusiasts I wanted to make sure it made the list!

#16: Cross country Skiing

groomed winter trail

If you feel like downhill skiing is still out of your price range, then try cross country skiing. Rentals and passes (if you go to groomed trail) are much cheaper than a downhill ski resort. If you are located in Utah and want to try cross country skiing check out my post: Ogden Valley’s Best Kept Secret for an awesome place to go!

#17: Night Games

Here is another one of those summer activities that is also perfect for winter. Honestly, I never considered playing night games in the winter until I heard the neighbor kids out running around one night. I mentioned it to Dustin and he informed me that winter is the perfect time to play. If you are able to time your games when there is snow and a full moon it is actually pretty bright outside – making it perfect for a game of capture the flag.

#18: Hot Springs

hot springs

For those of you that dream of soaking in a hot tub while the snow is lightly falling, try going to a local hot springs. It’s the perfect winter adventure. You don’t have to get bundled up to do it and you don’t have to worry about being cold (other than the walk to and from the springs).

#19: Winter Nature Crafts

frozen bubble

For all of you crafty folks (and not so crafty folks) below is a list of awesome winter crafts for you and your kids. These are easy, inexpensive, and fun to do in the comfort of your own backyard!

Soak It Up

Though it may not feel like it, winter will be gone before we know it. Make the most of it by fully embracing its wintery awesomness and make some lasting memories with your kids. If you end up doing any of the above activities I would love to hear about them. You can either comment below or tag me on Instagram (@adventures.after.kids). Happy February!

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