Kid Friendly Hike: Sulphur Creek

Trail Overview

Distance: 1.4 mi | Location: Torrey | Best Seasons: Late Spring, Summer, Early Fall | Elevation Gain: 180 ft | Route Type: Out & Back | Bathrooms @ Trailhead: No

Sulphur Creek is located in Capitol Reef National Park near Torrey, Utah. While the creek is relatively small it has carved a deep canyon through the park. There are two ways to hike this trail. Today I am going to mostly focus on the kid friendly route. This route has you start the trail near the Visitor Center and hike upstream to the first waterfall. If you are interested in learning more about the top-down route, you can read more about that HERE. (Please be aware that you should not take small children on the 6-mile route. It requires rock scrambling and swimming.)

Getting There

There are two trailheads for Sulphur Creek. There is the official trailhead which is located 3.3 miles from the Visitor Center. There is a second trailhead located just west of the Visitor Center. For the shorter, kid friendly version of Sulphur Creek, you are going to want to head to the second trailhead located near the Visitor Center.

To find the trailhead drive towards the Visitor Center. About 500 feet before you reach the Visitor Center you will drive over a bridge and there will be a gravel parking lot immediately on your left-hand side. Park in that parking lot and you will see the creek.

NOTE: It is not recommended you park in the Visitor Center parking lot. The lot is small and the National Park Service needs the space for those visiting the center. Also, Highway 24 is very busy. Parking in the designated parking lot saves you from having to cross a busy road with little kids.

To begin the hike you want to hike under the bridge so that you are hiking upstream.

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Trail Conditions

For this hike, the creek is your trail. As such you will want to make sure you plan accordingly. Be sure to wear hiking sandals such as Chacos, Keens, or Tevas. You may also want to wear quick-dry clothing or your swimsuit. Be sure to bring plenty of water and snacks and wear sunscreen. When you begin the hike the water should only be about ankle deep.

Trail Highlights

Since this is a lesser known trail it is not very crowded. It provides beautiful views of the towering cliffs of Capitol Reef National Park and ends with a small pool and waterfall. You can also enjoy the sandstone cliffs that have been created as the creek has carved its way through the park.

Some Things to Be Aware of

Although this hike is located in Capitol Reef National Park you do not have to pay a park fee to complete this hike. Capitol Reef National Park is unique in that there is only one section of the park that requires you to pay an entrance fee. That section is for the Scenic Drive. Since you will not be heading that far into the park you do not need to worry about paying the $20 entrance fee. Woot woot!

sulphur creek

Some additional things to keep in mind to make this a safe and enjoyable outing are:

Due to this hike being a creek bed, you will want to make sure to check the weather forecast before beginning your hike. You will NOT want to hike this trail if there is a chance of rain as there is a danger of flash floods.

You will also want to make sure you start this hike early enough in the afternoon so you have plenty of time to make it back before sunset. Even though the distance on this hike is relatively short it is more work for little kids to walk through water. You will also want to allow time for them to play along the way.

Given that kids have a tendency to get completely soaked anytime water is involved, you will want to pick a nice warm afternoon to do this hike. Luckily the water isn’t super cold, but you will still want to put your kids in quick dry clothing or their swimsuit so they don’t get chilled if a breeze picks up.

And lastly, be sure not to let your kids drink the water or eat anything before washing their hands. The National Park Service has detected E. Coli in water samples taken from the creek.


sulphur creek towards visitor center

If your family is planning a trip to Capitol Reef National Park I would highly recommend checking out this trail. It makes for a fun, unique hiking experience and definitely will be something your family remembers in years to come. If you are able to get out and enjoy this hike I would love to hear how it went.

If you don’t plan on going to Capitol Reef National Park in the near future be sure to pin this post for a future date. This is one hike you won’t want to miss!

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