how to

How to Choose Hiking Shoes for Kids

How to Choose Hiking Shoes for Kids

For families that want to adventure outdoors with their kids, the sheer number of outdoor gear that kids seem to “need” can be overwhelming. As a parent, it can be hard to know if your child really needs a certain type of gear and if they do, which of the 60 different versions you should buy.

To help you out, today I will be sharing with you a guide on what you should look for when buying kid hiking shoes. My goal is to help you feel a little less overwhelmed and a bit more confident in your buying decision. So let’s get started!

The Ultimate Guide to Camping with Little Kids

The Ultimate Guide to Camping with Little Kids

One adventure that many families put on pause when they have young children is camping. Parents worry about a variety of things when it comes to taking little kids and babies on their first camping trip. How am I going to keep them warm? What if they don’t sleep? What gear do I need to bring? How will I make it all fit?

These are all perfectly valuable concerns. Lucky for you in this post I am going to share all my tips and tricks for camping with kids and babies.

How to Pick a Daypack: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Pick a Daypack: A Beginner’s Guide

Some girls like buying shoes, others like buying bags, personally, I like buying outdoor gear. Nothing brings me more glee than finding a new piece of equipment to add to my outdoor gear collection. That was how I felt 10 years ago when I decided to retire my small Camelbak for a brand new Osprey pack. I was in seventh heaven. However, when I made that purchase I had no idea what to look for in a daypack. All I knew was I needed to be able to carry at least 100 oz of water. It’s no wonder that I walked out of REI that day the proud new owner of an Osprey Manta 25L daypack which is, by the way, a men’s daypack. Unfortunately, there was no friendly REI employee that day to steer me clear of that purchase. Thankfully, I was young and had money and the pack has worked out great.

But there is no need for you to make the same (expensive) mistake that I did. That’s why today I am sharing with you my beginner’s guide to buying a daypack.