Waterfall Canyon Trail

Waterfall Canyon Trail Overview

Distance: 2.4 mi | Location: Ogden | Best Seasons: Late Spring, Summer, Early Fall | Elevation Gain: 1,105 ft | Route Type: Out & Back | Bathrooms @ Trailhead: Yes

Waterfall Canyon Trail is located on the east benches of Ogden, Utah. This hike is short but steep, ending at a 200-foot waterfall. Having grown up in the Ogden area this trail is interwoven into the fabric of my life. I remember the first time I hiked it with my family. I was in elementary school and we took KFC to eat at the base of the falls. The waterfall was awe-inspiring and I have since hiked it countless times. In my opinion, it is a classic.

Getting There

This hike can be done from two trailheads. The 27th Street Trailhead or the 29th Street Trailhead. For the most direct route, you will want to start from the 29th Street Trailhead.

If you have Google Maps you can type in “29th Street Trailhead” for the most direct route from your location. If you are familiar with the Ogden area you might be tempted to take Harrison Blvd and cut up 29th Street. The only problem is that 29th Street doesn’t connect to Harrison Blvd because of Ogden High School. So it’s best to take Harrison Blvd to 30th Street and then head east. 30th Street will dead-end into Polk Avenue. Turn left and head north on Polk Avenue until you reach 29th Street. Head east on 29th Street until it dead ends and the entrance to the parking lot will be on your right.

Begin by heading east up the hillside following the sign for the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. After a little bit the trail will turn and start heading south across the hill. You will continue to follow the trail until it deadends into the trail coming from the 27th Street Trailhead. Turn right and keep heading south. The trail will then curve and start heading east. Shortly after that the trail will then merge with the Bonneville Shoreline Trail.

You will then reach the creek and a bridge.

brdige to waterfall canyon trail

Cross the bridge and then take an immediate left.

trail to waterfall canyon

There will be a sign indicating that you should head left after the bridge.

sign on waterfall canyon trail

Follow the path until you reach a second bridge.

trail to waterfall canyon

Cross the bridge and then head right.

waterfall canyon trail

Note: You also have the option to by pass the bridges and just stay on the left side of the creek the whole way.

You will then stay on that trail until you reach the waterfall. If at anytime you are unsure which way to go, just remember to take the easiest path that is closest to the creek. The trail stays within 5 to 10 feet of the creek the whole way to the waterfall.

Trail Conditions

At the beginning of the hike the trail is wide and very exposed.

beginning of waterfall canyon trail

If you want to beat the heat (and the crowds) I would recommend doing the hike in the morning when the benches are still in the shade (7:30 am or earlier).

Once you reach the creek the trail is fairly shady the rest of the way to the waterfall.

shady part of waterfall canyon trail

There are sections of the trail that are rather rocky, especially when you get closer to the waterfall.

end of waterfall canyon trail

Due to this I would not recommend bringing young children or less agile hikers on this hike. I would also not recommend wearing a child on this hike. Hiking up to the base of the waterfall is fairly easy, but it can be a bit tricky hiking back down over the loose gravel and steep incline. If you have hiking poles be sure to bring them.

Things to Be Aware Of

When hiking this trail there are a couple of things you want to be aware of.

Watch Out for rattlesnakes

dog on waterfall canyon trail

Rattlesnakes have come out in force this year. They do live on the benches of Ogden, so be sure to keep an eye out for them. At the time of writing this there are already multiple reports on AllTrails of people seeing rattlesnakes on this trail. If you happen to come across a rattlesnake (or hear one) remember to do the following:

  • Stop
  • Identify the source of the sound – so you don’t accidentally move in the direction of the snake
  • Move away slowly

This Trail is on Private Property

private property sign in waterfall canyon

The majority of Waterfall Canyon Trail is on private property. Please be respectful and stay on the designated trail. Also be aware that the gates to the parking lot and trail close at dusk so you will want to be done with your hike by then.

Don’t climb the waterfall or surrounding cliffs

Waterfall Canyon

Due to how narrow the canyon is, it is hard to get a complete shot of the waterfall. You may be tempted to try and climb the opposite canyon wall to get a better vantage point. DON’T DO IT! There have been hikers that have done that very thing and have fallen to their death.

Growing up my dad told me a story of 3 kids that came up to the waterfall the day after Christmas. They ended up hiking up and around to the top of the falls. They were holding onto each other’s hands as they were walking along the cliff edge. One of the kids slipped causing them all to fall. One of the fathers of the kids got worried and went looking for them. When he arrived he found the kids in the snow at the base of the waterfall. He was a doctor and when he assessed the kids he found one child that he knew had a chance to live. He had to leave his daughter and the other child in the snow to get the little boy the help he needed. Seriously so sad!!

The moral of the story DO NOT CLIMB this waterfall or the surrounding area. It is dangerous!

Make sure to take the correct trails heading back down

waterfall canyon trail junction

When you are coming back down the hike you will come to this fork in the trail. This is where the Waterfall Canyon Trail meets the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. Be sure to take the downhill trail on the left. Then as you get closer to the parking lot you will want to take the second left. The first left will get you back to the parking lot as well, but it takes more of a roundabout way.


I hope you are able to get out this summer and try out this hike. Currently, everything is really green from the recent rainfall, but they won’t last for long. If you get a chance to try this trail out leave a comment below and let me know how it goes!

If you are looking for some other family friendly hikes in Ogden, be sure to check out:

WSU Discovery Loop Trail

Birdsong Trail

Quail Loop Trail

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